Monday, May 25, 2020
Importance Of Organisational Behaviour Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2216 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Introduction In the current context there are more competitive for the business. Many companies are producing same items to the market with different trademark. They are running their business with a vision. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Importance Of Organisational Behaviour Business Essay" essay for you Create order For successful vision achievement they have to achieve their goals. So they are in a position to run their organization better than their competitors. So for the successful organisational environment, they have to satisfy their employees. In the present context, when you are working in the organisation, you may think is this the right organisation for you? In my point the many answers will be No. The main reason for this answer Managers have lack of knowledge about how to manage organisational behaviour. Due to this less knowledge, managers straggling to handle employees problems in a proper way and they are not guiding the employees in a line to achieving organisations goal. Because of this many qualified employees are trying to find a job in other organization where having a high-quality management. If qualified employees leave the organisation, organisations goal achievement result will be negative. So the managers should have jam-packed knowledge about organisational behaviour . In this point you will think what is organisational behaviour? There are many definitions for this but simply can say, for a act getting different responds from different people and the way of reaction between two people in the office situation. So good manager will observe this and he could identify that who is proficient and who wants to get more knowledge. If the employee satisfied with his job, they will be more productive and their respond also will be satisfied. For example, if manager employed who is a young, shy and softly spoken girl, manager cannot put her in the role of marketing. Instead, manager can place her in a low stress position that would suit her nature. So the organisational behaviour is not just about keeping employees happy. It is about placing staff in a position that suits their personality and experience as well as helping employees to nurture in a way that they become more of an asset to the business. Literature revive Organisational behaviour is an inevitable process in the organisations. The organisations goals are achieving by their managers, so they should run the organisation effectively. Here we are analysing some important organisational behaviours which knowledge helps to managers. In the organisational environment, all behaviours are interconnected. Manager has to identify the employees behaviour and he has to make the link with other behaviours to effectively run the organisation. For an example if a person who is working efficiently in the marketing field with an extraversion personality, we need to motivate him as well as we have to make a job satisfaction for him. So here personality, motivation and job satisfaction behaviours are interconnected. Here I am analysing some important organisational behaviour about what is behaviour? How these behaviours will help to the managers for decision making? What are the theories has to consider when decision making? Etc. So this will helps to t he managers who are having lack of knowledge about organisational behaviour. Organisational Behaviour importance of todays context Personality What is personality? Until now there is no any agreement on the exact meaning of personality. But there are many ways to describe the personality (i.e strong, weak or polite). My description about personality is The kind of ability which people having. All people they are not having equal mentality, person to person it will differ. So when manager while working with them, he/she can identify their personality and he/she can categorize them with Big Five personality traits. If manager assign a job to a person in inside the office who is having more extraversion, his all talents are shrinking inside the office and he/she wont get effective result from him. But if manager assign him as a marketing person, he/she will get more effective and efficient result from him. 3.2 Motivation Motivation is the process to encourage the employee to work effectively to achieve the organisational goal. Manager has to identify the system to motivate his/her employees. Without an appropriate technique manager cannot satisfy each and every employee. So initially manager has to identify the needs and based on that needs he/she can motivate the employee by provide incentives. There are many theories from many researchers to identify the needs. But Maslows hierarchy of need theory and Herzbergs two factor theories are mostly consider by decision makers. Motivational system can be identified by categorize the employees needs under these theories. For an example if an employee has a need for job security, manager can motivate him by giving long term contract, job related training programme etc. 3.3 Job Satisfaction What is job satisfaction? How manager can satisfy the employee? Simply can say that getting positive result from the one employees job appraisal or job experience, job satisfaction is one of the important attitude. In the job satisfaction many internal factors will influence like the work itself, Payment, Promotion opportunities, Supervision and Co-workers, but in the meanwhile some external factors also influencing. For an example one person is working in the developed area with all internal external facilities. But suddenly management has transferred him to the remote area with same job, where is no external facilities like his previous worked area (travelling facilities, good food etc). When they observed his performance after transfer, it was lesser than previous. So manager has to take action to enhance satisfaction for an example Make jobs more fun, have fair pay, design jobs to make them satisfying and providing office transportation or allowance. Leadership As we discussed earlier, the different personalities are working in organization. There should have monitoring and controlling between staff, so they need a proper leadership. How manager can find correct leadership? What kind of characteristics he/she should have? This type of questions will arise before assign the leader. There are many definitions for leadership. According to Useem, leadership is a matter of making a difference. It entails changing an organisation and making active choices among plausible alternatives, and depends on the development of others and mobilising them to get the job done. Manager can ask a question why managers cant be a leader? As per Watsons 7-S organizational framework he suggests that whereas managers tend towards reliance on strategy, structure, and systems, leaders have an inherent inclination for utilisation of the soft Ss of style, staff, skills, and shared goals. Also manager can see the different characteristic between Manager and Leader as follows. Manager Leader Administers Innovates A copy An original Maintains Develops Focus on systems and structure Focuses on people Relies on control Inspires trust Short-range view Long-range perspective Asks how and when Asks what and why Eye on the bottom line Eye on the horizon Imitates Originates Accepts the status quo Challenges the status quo Classic good soldier Own person Does things right Does the right things When manager intend to recruit or position a leader, he/she should identify above characteristic from that employee. Leadership style There are different styles are following by leaders among their group. Autocratic This style is dominating the staff by his decision. Democratic This style is making decision among consult with others. Laissez-Faire This style is following the systems as it is. It will helps to the managers to identify the correct leader style to the appropriate group. Group Behaviour Group behaviour is two or more individuals, interrelating and co-dependent, who have come together to achieve particular goals. Group behaviour starts from the beginnings that contribute to the groups efficiencies. So manager should know why group behaviour is important? How groups are working? How to develop the groups? What are the characteristics groups should have? While working in the group, employee can reduce the insecurity of standing alone, recognition and status will be provided by others to the group members, possibilities are in the group for achievement which could not achieve as an individual, goal achievement period will be less. Group development Forming : characterized by uncertainly. Storming : characterized by intergroup Norming : characterized by close relationships and cohesiveness Performing : when is fully functional Adjourning : This presents the end of the group, characterized by concern with wrapping up activities rather than task performance. Based on above structure if manager form the group, the behaviour of the group will be efficacy for organisations goal achievement. Training Development Manager is the responsible person to get more work from employees. From the above examples he/she can come across that someone capable someone incapable to handle specific job. So manager has to make everyone as capable workers. What is training programme? How can do this? What are the better ways to conducting training programmes to staff? This type of questions will arise from manager. There are many definitions for training. Steinmez said Training is a short-term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which non-managerial personnel learn technical knowledge and skill and David de Cenzo and S.P. Robbins said Training involves changing of skills, knowledge, attitude or social behaviour (Nirmal Singh, HRM, p404). Before go for a training, manager has to identify the lacking part of employee. There are certain steps to discover the training needs Analysing Jobs and Men: if the men are less capable to perform the particular jobs they can be given training to increase their skills. Collecting Employees and Managerial Opinions: The training section may either by interviews or questionnaires obtain views of different people regarding necessary and desirable training programmes. Anticipating Requirements of Different Jobs: As a manager, you can forecast earlier the manpower requirement on the basis of long-term plans such as business expansion, new technology etc. Training may be given to the existing employees to enable them to meet the requirements of new jobs in the future. Once manager identify the needs, he/she has to plan the training methods. The training programmes should conducted by well trained trainers. Development is the process of transition of an employee from a lower level of ability, skill and knowledge to that of higher level. This transition is influenced by education, training, work experience and environment. Developments are mostly considered for the managerial level staff. Change Management In every organisation change is inevitable and unavoidable. The organisation which fails to change is sure to fail, because change is required to maintain stability to some extent in the functioning of organisation. The managers always keen on these changes. There are two main forces will involve in changes. Internal forces: These forces may either be derived from the change in external environment or may be because of management induced forces. Internal forces mainly include the following: Top management and its philosophy and corporate policy. Retirement, promotion, resignation and transfer of key functionaries of the organisation. Change is the perception, attitude, feelings, beliefs and expectations of the employees working in the organisation. Change is internal environment of the organisation. External forces: These forces include all factors of external environment which directly or indirectly affect the functioning of an organisation. Some of them are as u nder. Socio Culture: Education, population dynamics, rate of urbanisation, social traditions and customs will force the organisation for changes. Economic: It will includes the demand, competition, price mechanism, buying capacity, distribution of income, cost and quality and availability of various resources. Political and Legal: In the political level major opposition party, political stability, morality and values will force the organisation. Technology: In the technology level new techniques of production, innovation of new process etc. Will force the organisation. Work environment: in this environment customer loyalty, supplier regularity, community attitude and recognition of society will force the organisation Once manager identified the factors for changes, he/she should plan to make changes. There are few steps to be followed to make changes. Step 1 Preparing for changeÃâà (Preparation, assessment and strategy development) Step 2 Managing chan geÃâà (Detailed planning and change management implementation) Reinforcing change Collect and analyze feedback Diagnose gaps and manage resistance Implement corrective actions and celebrate successes Preparing for change Identify change management Strategy Arrange change management Team Develop sponsorship model Managing change Develop change management plan Implement plansStep 3 Reinforcing changeÃâà (Data gathering, corrective action and recognition) Conclusion. Above organisational behaviour analysis exposed that how organisational behaviours knowledge is very important to manage the organisation. Each and every behaviours are important because they are inter-connected with each one. If group behaviours are not satisfied, they can go for a training programme. As well as if Leadership style changed, we can identify the lacking part for change and based on that can be motivated or making job satisfaction. Like this all behaviours are linked with other. So when organisation is planned to place a manager, they need to test their behaviour knowledge. So I hope that above my analysis will help to the managers, who are having poor knowledge about organisational behaviour. 5. References
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Examine and compare the ways in which Pat Barker in...
Examine and compare the ways in which Pat Barker in Regeneration and Wilfred Owen in his poetry explore the nature of life in the trenches. Pat Barker and Wilfred Owen are both successful writers in delivering an insight into trench life from the perspective of a soldier, although in different ways. Owen, being a soldier himself, has had first hand experience of trench life and describes the pity of war, in that war is a waste of young, innocent lives, and the bitterness of the soldiers towards the people who do not have to fight. Whereas Barker recreates trench life through the nightmares, hallucinations and memories of the soldiers. Despite the fact that Barker is a modern woman writer she still manages to write a realisticâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Owen describes how the waiting for the inevitable keeps the soldiers awake as the night is silent and this is worse than the noise of activity. All these soldiers have to do is wait and wonder what are we doing here? But nothing happens. In the sixth stanza Owen refers to the ghosts drag home almost suggesting that the soldiers are alone, not even their spirits can survive the emptiness of the trenches. To begin with, the images in the poem appear to contrast with those in Regeneration as we see Sassoon looking forward to sleeping in clean whit sheets, although we realise that he feels guilty that he can enjoy this luxury and his comrades cannot. He says to Graves as he is seeing him off at the station Dottyville is almost bearable knowing you dont have to be vomited on, this gives us an insight into the physical well being of some of the soldiers. After Graves has gone Sassoon hates everybody, giggling girls, portly middle-aged men, women whose eyes settled on his wound stripe like flies indicating his bitterness towards anybody that didnt have to fight and especially towards people who appeared to have done well out of the war. This is the same attitude displayed towards shirkers and pacifists. In regeneration when Mr. Prior comes to Craiglockhart and find Billy unable to speak, he is convinced that his speech comes when its convenient and goes when it isntShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words à |à 1573 PagesIncident 1 Leadership Mettle Forged in Battle 400 Case Incident 2 Leadership Factories 400 13 Power and Politics 411 A Definition of Power 412 Contrasting Leadership and Power 413 Bases of Power 414 Formal Power 414 â⬠¢ Personal Power 415 â⬠¢ Which Bases of Power Are Most Effective? 416 â⬠¢ Power and Perceived Justice 416 Dependence: The Key to Power 416 The General Dependence Postulate 416 â⬠¢ What Creates Dependence? 417 Power Tactics 418 Sexual Harassment: Unequal Power in the Workplace 421 Politics:
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Her Rebellious Actions Brought Excellence Mary Church...
Her Rebellious Actions Brought Excellence: Mary Church Terrell After World War II, the fight to end institutionalized racism in America increased. Racial segregation was found at restaurants, theaters, and other public places. Aside from racial segregation, women werenââ¬â¢t allowed to vote. These issues that occurred during the Reconstruction era acted as catalysts for many African Americans to stand up for their values. Among various civil rights activists, Mary Church Terrell was an early advocate for civil rights and suffrage movements. Mary Church Terrell may not have been the president or the government, but she was a teacher, a writer, and a fundamental citizen who compassionately protected the rights of her people. Terrell was born and exposed in the time period of the Civil War. Although her father was a millionaire, it was controversial to be none other than black during this era. Upon growing up, she was heavily exposed to the harsh environment which shaped her perspective on civil rights. At the age of six, Terrell moved to Ohio w here she attended white schools until she graduated from college. Always surrounded by students who did not share the same race as her, she was often victimized and suffered a lot of difficulties. Moreover, she was a target of discrimination in spite of her socioeconomic status. What s notable about Terrell is her sensitivity to racism. Terrell had always been quick to stand up for her race, and she was not afraid to refuse
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Beginning and Ending Supportive Therapy
Question: Discuss about the Beginning and Ending Supportive Therapy. Answer: Introduction: Acute kidney injury is an illness that is depicted by sudden loss of the ability of the kidney to filter out waste from the body. This condition is characterized by compiled end products that consist of urea and creatinine. The patient had been diagnosed to have a low urine output, increased metabolic acids in the body and having high levels of phosphorus and potassium in the system (Bagshaw, 2009). The physical assessment included evaluation of fluid status that depicted the final information from the albumin and saline reaction that gave the comparison in saline that was isotonic- reaction of four percent albumin in the patient and 0.9% of normal saline, signs of acute and chronic heart failure, infections present and drug history of the drugs recently used. Recent blood transfusion, if the patient had undergone any surgical procedure, the patient had lost weight and he was dehydrated. The blood pressure of the patient had also decreased significantly over two weeks period. The patient also depicted blueish finger tips, and had swellings in the lower back (Uchino, 2007). Acute kidney failure is commonly caused by a variety of causes. It can occur if the patient has a condition that reduces the pace of blood flow in the body, if the kidneys are damaged and if the ureters are clogged and thus hampering the release of waste from the body. Blood flow in the body can be hampered by reduced blood in the body, failure of the liver, if one is severely dehydrated, if one has used medications such as naproxen, heart attack and infections of the heart. The kidneys can be damaged if there are clots of blood in the body, kidney blockage due to high levels of cholesterol in the body, swelling of the kidneys, utilization of chemotherapy drugs, indulgence in alcohol consumption and inflammation of the blood vessels (Waikar, 2009). Clinical priorities that are important to patients suffering from acute kidney injury include rehydration this implies that the patients blood pressure is less than a hundred mmHg and they should be administered with a bolus of 250ml of crystalloid. They can also be checked to see if their ureters are blocked. The patients should also cease utilization of nephrotoxic medications. Urinalysis should also be performed on the patient and intensify as per the medication policies (Tumlin, 2008). The goals of the patient were: he wanted to heal quickly so that he could fend for his family, the patient desired that he could regain his lost weight and he desired to have his normal finger tips without the bluish appearance. Interventions performed on the patient were: controlling his blood sugar, he was rehydrated too so that the fluid levels in the body could increase. Nursing care that the patient received included administering of excessive fluids, reduction of the risk of unconventional nutritional guide, reduction of the chances of being infected, impacting of the patient with the relevant knowledge about the disease and reduction of the risk of having a cardiac arrest. Medical intervention provided included the rectification of the high acid with administration of a bicarbonate and rectification of defects of hematologic properties anemia. References Bagshaw SM, Uchino S, Bellomo R, et al. Beginning and Ending Supportive Therapy for the Kidney (BEST Kidney) Investigators.. J Crit Care2009 Uchino S, Bellomo R, Kellum JA, and the Beginning and Ending Supportive Therapy for the Kidney (BEST Kidney). Int J Artif Organs Tumlin J, Wali R, Williams W, et al. Effi cacy and safety of renal tubule cell therapy for acute renal failure. J Am Soc Nephrol 2008 Golestaneh L, Melamed DL, Hostetter TH. Uremic memory: the role of acute kidney injury in long-term outcomes. Kidney Int 2009
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